Remaining the Dispute Resolution Epicentre: Is MED-ARB in Europe’s Future? By Matthew Finn

Matthew Finn of FICA has recently published an article in IBA Construction Law International (‘CLInt’) Journal, Volume 16, Issue 1 – March 2021 on:

“Remaining the dispute resolution epicentre: is Med-Arb in Europe’s future?”

A hybrid of mediation and arbitration known as Med-Arb is a less formal, more expedient alternative dispute resolution (ADR) process which can be more flexible when resolving disputes. Although rare in Europe, it is widely used in Asian jurisdictions. In order to remain at the forefront of international dispute resolution, Europe could consider the benefits of Med-Arb: namely, a swift and cost-effective resolution, avoiding more traditional costly and time-consuming processes such as litigation and arbitration. As we enter a period of economic downturn in Europe due to the Covid-19 pandemic, are hybrids that combine arbitration with mediation a better form of ADR?