
Who We Are

FICA, the Forum for International Conciliation and Arbitration is a non-profit non-governmental organisation committed to the advancement of national and trans-national dispute resolution.

Following its founding by Ben Beaumont in 1996 FICA was in 2002 granted Observer status to attend all six UNCITRAL working groups. FICA now actively participates in various Working Groups of UNCITRAL, on topics such as enforcement of international mediated settlement agreements and the investor-state dispute settlement system.

FICA offers opportunities for networking with a wider dispute resolution community, access to information about UNCITRAL and its work, and opportunities to learn more about current events and issues in ISDS and all aspects of ADR including Mediation and Adjudication. As a leading think-tank on all matters affecting international dispute resolution in all its forms, FICA encourages qualified and interested individuals to apply and become a part of FICA. Join us.

Our Mission

To exist as an international ‘think-tank’ for the development of creative means for the resolution of national and transnational disputes.

To provide a forum for the exchange and advancement of ideas relating to dispute resolution.

To provide the tools nations require to bring or defend legal actions under international investment treaties and in international disputes.

To assist nations in developing their own skills to bring or defend legal actions under international investment treaties and in international disputes.